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Audio Recording & Sampling


I offer basic, in-house recording options, with high-quality analog signal paths, for vocals, acoustic and wind instruments, direct recording for re-amping, and custom audio sampling. And lastly; collections of thousands of audio samples, from field recordings to full studio sessions. All of the audio I have collected is royalty-free, and ready to be transformed into something new for you project.

Ableton Live Native VST Programming & Templates


Today's music production techniques are unrivaled, due to the arrival of powerful, yet simple, intuitive digital audio work stations. Understanding that fact, I utilize the power of programs like Ableton Live, to create custom instruments and program/performance templates. I use these custom templates to harness greater control of audio signals, and creative performance ideas. Designed in-house, I make these tools available to our clients and collaborators on a custom-ordered basis.

Custom Sound Design & Foley


Video games, movies, television, and market advertising are massive industries, with a constant need for new audio data bases and specific spot dialogue. While my first passion for audio production sprang from composing music, I also specialize in custom audio packages to suit your voice overs, video games, computer based media, and other graphical presentations. 

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